just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
An inguinal hernia.
by Fisherman inthere are a couple of schools of thought on this.
some doctors recommend postponing surgery others recommend laparascopic surgery, etc.
how about local anesthesia, complications during and after surgery and other concerns.
just fine
Wishing you a speedy recovery. -
Shunning: is it still practiced?
by FinchAndWeston inare df, da and apostates still shunned?
are each treated differently?
i heard a secondhand report that they seemed to have eased up on this practice ...
just fine
I am not DA or DF and my siblings haven't spoken to me in years. It's alive and well. -
June 2016 WT (study edition) Bashing Higher Education....AGAIN!
by ToesUp inparagraph 14: .
"this means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming.
or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education.
just fine
I also think college teaches you to think. Can't have that going on in the JW religion. -
June 2016 WT (study edition) Bashing Higher Education....AGAIN!
by ToesUp inparagraph 14: .
"this means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming.
or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education.
just fine
Yes it is terrible to get a degree. My first job after college graduation offered $72k it was just awful to have to figure out what to do with the money. Paying our bills off, taking a small vacation etc. The yacht and island will have to wait I guess............
My still in siblings are always having a hard time with their bills and if the kids need anything or they have unexpected doctor bills it's a disaster. I feel bad for their kids, I used to help them out, but once they started shunning me and still expected me to help them, I said no thanks.
I would rather be in the JW cult than the ex-jw cult
by questioningmyfaith ini have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
just fine
It's hard to understand the dynamics of all the disagreements around here, when we all spent so many years around people with identical beliefs. Disagreement is good, and if you are sure if your beliefs no one is going to sway you from them, but they might help you to think along some different lines if you take time to consider other points of view.
i won't ever belong to a cult again.
Have you ever had your oven door explode?
by Ucantnome inthe other day the glass in my oven door exploded and sent glass into the next room, fortunately i wasn't peering in at the time.
about a year go the previous oven door shattered one morning.
the oven was cold.
just fine
I haven't had that happen. I think you have somehow angered the oven gods........... Best go out to eat from now on, and for heavens sake don't go to one of those open kitchen places where that oven might get you. :-) -
I like the fact that XJW's are passionate about politics
by minimus inthe fact is we could never talk about politics or of use toward political issues as witnesses now we can and we can disagree without being disagreeable .
just fine
I think I am more passionate about just having the freedom to have an opinion. It's kinda funny sometimes because people get so mad and think we all have to agree on what's best, but we don't. And it's ok. In fact it's great, because we are all thinking without the cult telling us what to do. -
Lost on how to respond...
by babygirl30 inso an old friend of mine from the congregation hit me up today.
the story goes like this when we were jw's:.
- this guy used to be madly in love with me but i didn't see him as anything more than a friend.
just fine
I wouldn't respond - he is not going to listen to anything you say anyway. Plus all the JWs in my life can't stand it if you don't engage them. -
How to find someone you lost contact with
by rebel8 inis there an app for that?
seriously, in this day and age, there has to be a way to find someone you lost contact with.
i know, facebook...but i'm having no luck there.
just fine
I don't know of any app's. I have found some people on LinkedIn or Classmates.com that weren't on Facebook. Classmates sometimes is a good place to find out someone's married name and then you can find them from there.
Memorial mixed emotions...
by Tornintwo indoes anyone else feel 'pulled back in' at this time of year?.
i still consider myself to a believer, believe in god and jesus christ, on the whole i think he taught tolerance, love, acceptance and i think we can benefit from following his example.
i love ray franzs book in search of christian freedom.
just fine
Actually Alive I like your post it does give me something to ponder. I agree with you,in life it is our perception of things that shapes our beliefs. We can read the bible and all come away with something different.
to answer the original question - no nothing pulls me back to this religion. It is a false religion so there is no pull for me to go back to hateful people trying to control my life.